Friday, October 30, 2015

10 Incredible Things that You Made Happen!

Children's Hospital Orange County
As the Children's Music Fund kicks off its annual campaign, we want to reflect on the past year and say "Thank You!" Without your continued support of CMF, we wouldn't be able to serve chronically ill children in and out of the hospital. We will be sharing "10 incredible things..." with a new story each week throughout the campaign, please comment and share!

Number 10:

One area that we have been able to make tremendous progress is in the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit at Children's Hospital Orange County (CHOC)
Here's what CHOC, has to say about CMF!
I would love to share why we are so grateful for the Children's Music Fund.
The impact of music therapy on our NICU has been immeasurable!  Thanks to this incredible gift we are able to create both stimulating and relaxing moments, both of which help our tiny babies heal.  This new intervention also educates our medical staff on the value and impacts of therapeutic supports for premature patients.  The staff also benefit from not only knowing their patients are being cared for in such a special manner, but also by feeling the difference music makes on their professional day.

Stephanie DeMello, MS, CCLS
Child Life Manager
CHOC Children's Hospital
Together we are doing great things!
Click HERE to participate in this year's Annual Fund!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Cancer Care Network Foundation Presents Grant Children's Music Fund

From left to right: Lesley Holmes, Executive Director at CMF
Karine Bagdasarian President and Co-Founder at CCNF, Hilda
Avanessianm, IrmaAcemian, Ari David, Host, and Dr Raffi
Tachdjian, President and Founder of CMF

Children's Music Fund receives Grant to help kids with Cancer

LOS ANGELES, CA (October 2nd, 2015)–On Thursday October 1, 2015, the Children’s Music Fund ( (CMF) held its 7th annual Laughter is Medicine charity event at Improv in Los Angeles, California. The event featured a pre-show reception and included a line up with Sam Tripoli, Thai Rivera, Steve Byrne, and was hosted by Ari David.

The Laughter is Medicine event is one of the primary fundraisers for the CMF, which was established in 2002 by Dr. Raffi Tachdjian, an allergist and pediatric pain specialist. 

“Laughing, like music therapy, releases endorphins, which make us feel good, and relieves pain,” says Raffi Tachdjian, MD, MPH, President and Founder of CMF.  “

During the program, Cancer Care Network Foundation (CCNF) co founder Karine Bagdasarian presented Dr. Raffi Tachdjian,  with a grant for $5000 to provide music therapy to children suffering from various forms of cancer to ease their pain, anxiety and to offer distraction from something other than their illness. 
“Research shows that music therapy can have a big impact on children who are hospitalized or suffering from serious illnesses like cancer, Tachdijian added. “It helps them build the confidence and positive attitude they need to get them through their difficult struggle. If you were in the hospital and facing painful procedure, wouldn't it be nice to have a music therapist and your own musical instrument to help you overcome the fear, the pain and the anxiety?" 

About the Children’s Music Fund: 
The Children’s Music Fund (CMF) is a national charity with a mission to provide music therapy and musical instruments to children and young adults with chronic or life-altering illnesses, and to support research on the effects of music therapy.   

About Cancer Care Foundation: The Cancer Care Network Foundation's primary mission is to provide advocacy and resources to eliminate barriers to quality care for patients affected by cancer.  Funds raised will provide financial assistance, complementary support for patients and families currently fighting cancer, as well as support for projects and organizations that provide charitable services to our community in the field of cancer care, education and prevention.